
Topics on this blog:

Comparative Culture

I’m always trying to figure out why humans are the way we are. Using Ecuador and the U.S. as case studies, I attempt to understand how we are the same and how we are different, and why, looking at everything from Baroque sculpture to Lady Gaga to obscure Kichwa literature. It’s all relevant!

Educational Issues

Today’s hot topics in education from a different angle—the Ecuadorian angle—including but not limited to:
– English as a Foreign Language (EFL) education
– social and emotional intelligence
– standardized testing (TOEFL, AP, First Certificate, etc.)
– Parent & community involvement
– globalization/internationalization of education

International Education

Study abroad numbers are skyrocketing around the world. Now more than ever we have to be fluent in global languages and local customs, as well as
– cultural competence & fluency
– culture shock and reverse culture shock
– Study Abroad & exchange programs
– cultural orientations
– race, class, and gender in Study Abroad


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